Wednesday, March 20, 2013



How is electricity generated my moving magnetic fields?

      The basic concept we learned about the relationship between magnetism and electricity is that moving magnets(changing magnetic field) generate electricity(current and voltage). The best example to explain this concept is a hand crank generator. Inside the hand crank generator there is coiled wire. Coiled wire is essential in this process because the magnetic field surrounding the coiled wire combines to make the magnetic field in the space inside the coil very strong. Also coiled wire makes the current higher and increases the strength of the magnetic field. When we spun the hand crank, we were spinning the magnets and getting the electrons to flow throughout the coil. The moving electrons (electric potential energy) were then turned into a usable source of energy by the resistor (lightbulb).
    Before we would get get the current flowing by using a voltage supply, but in this process we are the ones supplying the voltage by moving the magnets. Humans aren't always the ones moving the magnets though. We learned that in generators, different natural resources often move the magnets (water for dams, air for fans) and then that creates the moving current which then creates electricity.

Illustration of how moving magnets now supply the energy: