Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pyramid Lab

Pyramid Lab

Overview of the lab:

In this lab we measured the inversely proportional relationship between force and distance, just as we did with our Pulley Lab, except this time with a ramp. We started out with a .08 meter ramp and a cart that weighed a total of .5 kg, which remained constant throughout the lab. For our first trial the cart went 1.5 meters and in took .120 Newtons of force. For our next trial the cart went a total of 1.0 meters and this took .414 Newtons of force. And for our last trial the cart traveled a total of 0.5 meter and this took .619 Newtons of Force. So we were able to come to the conclusion that each time we increased the slant of our ramp, it took more force to lift the cart.

*Data Collected/ Recorded in the Lab*

Trial #1:
Trial #2

Trial #3

Final Table:


We observed that each time we increased the slant of our ramp, it took more force to lift the cart. The most important things we learned this week were that W=fd (work=force times distance), that work is measured in Joules (J), and most importantly, Work is universally conserved. No matter what the inversely proportional relationship is between force and distance, work will always remain the same.

Connection to the Real World:

This relationship between work, distance, and force holds true anytime you are either walking or running up a hill. When you run up short and steep hills you use more force than when you run up long hills with a gradual incline, but in each case you are are you the same amount of energy, or work, to get to the top of the hill. Aside from humans, this relationship also applies to mechanical machines, such as cars. When you go up short and steep hills you have to apply more force to the gas as opposed to going up a long, slightly steep hill where you don't have to apply as much force. Either way to you are using the same amount of energy in the long run.

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