Sunday, April 21, 2013

Light and Optics

Light and Optics

     This images is interesting because it shows what happens with both convex and concave reflections. This is very similar to when we looked at our reflections in spoons at the beginning of the unit.

     The top half of the pot is similar to that of a concave mirror, and just as when we looked in our reflection at the concave part of the spoon, the image is inverted. This all has to do with the way that the light rays(incident rays) bounce off of the mirror and become reflected rays. The light rays bounce off in such a way that the bottom of the image(in this case my face and phone) flip around an become the top of the image. The image at the concave part of the pot is also a real image and is closer to the pot than it is to me.

   The image at the bottom of the pot is more similar to that of a convex mirror. When we looked at our reflection on the back(convex) side of the spoon, our image was upright, and therefore it was also a virtual image. In this case, because of the way the incident(light) rays reflected off of the pot, the image became smaller than my actual head, and is farther away.

(Diagram of incident rays being reflected off of both the concave and convex parts of the pot)

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